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Refund policy

You can refund the product within 7 days after that you are not able to refund. Refund is eligible only for the broken product or default product

Here return policy will update any time after policy update action apply within an hour or min

Our product will not refund  for color , or size, or another option 

Refund process

While your hit refund option then, wait for courier for pickup after pickup within 3 to 5-day amount will credit as per your account details 

Refund charge 

A refund charge will be added 

Refund policy status

Pending: It means you have just hit the refund option, then waits for some hour. for admin approval

Approved: If the status is approved means the is approved your refund order successfully.

pickup: wait for pickup of your order

Shipping: wait for shipping

Refunding: Amount are gone to transfer your account wait for the time 

Refund: amount is credit to your account, if your are account have not credit then contact us